Quest for the Crown
Every year we collaborate with Silver Point Pub and Shotz Bar and Grill to host the Quest for the Crown. This started in 2015 and has been an annual event each year since. Information regarding how the contest is scored, prizes, dates and more will be found on this page.
We have posted the 2019 Quest for the Crown competitor information below including the breakdown of the scoring system used.
- All contestants must be 18 years of age or older.
- Persons who entertain are allowed to compete as long as it is a part-time
income and that person does not belong to any professional organization
connected with the entertainment industry that would require them to be paid
for any appearance
- Any person may enter the contest that belongs to an Organized Labor Union
connected with the entertainment industry, as long as that person is not
disqualified by rule number 2.
- Contestants MAY NOT utilize live props. This will include back-up singers,
dancers or animals. Non-human props such as costumes and other
accessories are permitted. Musical instruments may be used as props, but
are not allowed as an accompaniment to the contestants’ performance. Any
prop used by a contestant must be carried on stage or into the stage area by
the contestant, and must be completed in one trip onto or into the stage area.
- Song time limit is 6 minutes. Songs going over the 6 minute limit will be cut
off. Judges will be instructed not to deduct points due to a song being cut off.
- Contestants may sing the same song as another contestant. You cannot
change your song once sign-ups are closed.
- Rap and swearing is allowed; however songs containing offensive lyrics will
not be allowed. Contestants who, during their performance, use offensive
lyrics or perform in an obscene manner will be disqualified. If you are unsure,
please check with the host.
- Contestants, their family or associates are not allowed to have contact with a
contest judge before or during the competition. Contact includes verbal
conversations and handshakes. This rule applies only before and during the
time the contestants are performing. It is not reasonable to expect
contestants, their families or associates from having contact with a judge
directly after all contestants have performed. Breaks for judges during a
contest shall be considered the same as time during a contestant
performance and judges are off limits for conversation or any other contact.
- Contestants, their family or associates who exhibit offensive behavior during
any portion of the contest will disqualify that contestant from further
competition. Offensive behavior includes poor sportsmanship, bad manners,
and lack of decorum. If the contestant, their family or associates exhibit
offensive behavior after the contestant has competed, and such behavior is in
the host establishment, even after the winners are announced, that
contestant’s score will be nullified. If the contestant whose score has been
nullified is a winning contestant, the next contestant in scoring position for that
particular category shall be the winner. If there is a tie for the next in line, the
winner shall be decided by the toss of a coin.
- Contestants will be scored using a 50 point system:
- Vocal Ability (rhythm/pitch/phrasing) 1 – 25 points
- Entertainment Value (stage presence, etc) 1 – 25 points
(Please see detailed scoring break-down, attached)
- Decisions of the judges are final. No arguing with the judges is allowed. Any
contestant, their family or associates who argue will a judge may be deemed
to be using offensive behavior and the contestant may be disqualified from
the competition.
- No employee or sub-contractor/host of KISS Productions, who host a regular
show, may enter the competition.
- If you wish to know if we have specific songs in our library, you can ask the
host or email us at We will purchase songs upon
request, providing they are legally available.
- Contestants must arrive and sign in with the host a minimum of fifteen (15)
minutes prior to the scheduled start time.